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Profil Singkat Angga Danu Fadil Irawan

Angga Danu Fadil Irawan

Social-community Development Practitioner, Decolonial Feminism, Sexual-Reproductive Health & Rights Specialist, Economic Justice & Political Analyst
Membahas tentang hashtag genderjustice, hashtag economicjustice, hashtag intersectionality, hashtag socialdevelopment, hashtag communitydevelopment
Area DKI Jakarta


  • COVID-19 Recess: Worse Than 2008 Global Financial Crisis Today’s turbulent economy recalls how they behaved in the nerve of the financial crisis 12 years ago The outbreak of COVID-19 put the global economic Today’s turbulent economy recalls how they behaved in the nerve of the financial crisis 12 years ago The outbreak of COVID-19 put the global economic oleh Angga Danu Fadil Irawan • waktu baca 5 menit
  • Menilik Nasib Pekerja Informal di Indonesia Sekitar 5,1 juta pekerja informal yang mengadu nasib di Jabodetabek menjadi kelompok yang paling terdampak COVID-19 (SUSENAS, 2019). Secara teknis, peSekitar 5,1 juta pekerja informal yang mengadu nasib di Jabodetabek menjadi kelompok yang paling terdampak COVID-19 (SUSENAS, 2019). Secara teknis, pe oleh Angga Danu Fadil Irawan • waktu baca 4 menit
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A 25 years old bachelor of Social & Political Science majoring in International Relations studies with 5+ years of professional experience in Program Management of social & development issues performing community development programs in Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights, women empowerment, gender justice, and social inclusion programs on youth and child issues.


  • Oxfam in IndonesiaOxfam in Indonesia Purnawaktu 2 thn 4 blnPurnawaktu 2 thn 4 bln
    • Fair for All Project OfficerFair for All Project Officer Mei 2022 - Saat ini · 1 thn 4 blnMei 2022 - Saat ini · 1 thn 4 bln Jakarta, Indonesia · Di lokasiJakarta, Indonesia · Di lokasi
        • Materializing the FAIR principle in Palm Oil and Seafood sector hand-in-hand with partners to achieve benefit-sharing, inclusive and responsible business in each pathway, directly targeting sustainable, inclusive, and women-led alternative businesses; private sector engagement; land rights; and advocating fiscal-trade reforms.
    • C20-G20 Engagement OfficerC20-G20 Engagement Officer Jan 2022 - Mei 2022 · 5 blnJan 2022 - Mei 2022 · 5 bln Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, IndonesiaJakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
        • - Support the work of Oxfam to develop strategy, approach, budgeting, and planning as well as crafting the C20-G20 engagement campaign and advocacy. - Provide technical and substantial support to 7 working groups in C20 in maintaining the policy paper, engagement strategy to multi-level governments, and multilateral and regional strategic meetings which accommodate 500+ CSOs in multi-sectoral issues varying from the environment, climate, energy transition, health, civic space, gender justice, fair taxation, and health. - Support the media engagement work of C20 to outreach broader and more inclusive audiences.
    • Influencing & Campaign OfficerInfluencing & Campaign Officer Mei 2021 - 2022 · 9 blnMei 2021 - 2022 · 9 bln Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, IndonesiaJakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
        • • Support the development of strategy, delivery, and implementation of influencing component on EYW projects, shaping EYW approach and strategy to influence in national and local level along with global campaign; track and update influencing plan to ensure influencing milestone vis a vis à-vis outreach numbers, level of audience engagement, and actions taken; ensure the strategy of influencing and campaign to be youth inclusive in the overall approach. • Responsible for influencing component of EYW including Managing some production and dissemination of communication and influencing materials; Implement and manage social media campaign; responsible for the youth participation in EYW Indonesia Works; Responsible to ensure the Youth Advisory Board is running and included in every step of planning, implementation, and sustainability.
  • Content Writer and Copywriter
    Kewirus, Take A Stand Indonesia & Zooex · Pekerja Lepas Jan 2020 - Saat ini · 3 thn 8 bln Jakarta, Indonesia
      • - Responsible for developing analytical articles for the think-tank scheme, cryptocurrency & social affairs. - Edit and crafting on-page optimization for landing page and website content. - Developing an audiovisual script for training modules, podcasts, advertising, and lectures.
      • Home | worksiteportfolioHome | worksiteportfolio
  • Co-Founder, Executive Manager
    Mons.id Mei 2019 - Jan 2020 · 9 bln Bandung Area, West Java, Indonesia
      • • Managed annual strategic agenda and developed regular marketing tools based on our training packages and sexual health assistance product. Gained partnership with government and social enterprises with more than 20 clients in mobile counseling application, capacity building, talk-show, and clinic management system procedure. • Designed annual marketing strategies and volunteer management system to reach an inclusive market ecosystem to penetrate the urban market in Bandung. • Developed analytical strategies to build a database, consultancy mechanism, and mobile application improvement to reach out to more health professional networking and wide market and/or clients.
  • Program Coordinator
    Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) · Purnawaktu Jan 2017 - Jun 2019 · 2 thn 6 bln Bandung Area, West Java, Indonesia
      • • Developed and implemented a volunteer management system, capacity building and training for the run over 250 volunteers in 5 certain districts (Bandung, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Bogor & Garut) without aid from donors. • Improved intervention strategies, social marketing & modules towards Comprehensive Sexual Education & Services affecting the major institutions such as the Health Department and the Social Department of West Java in marketing social and sexual education programs in over 30 schools, 5 universities, and 10 public communities. • Produced big-screen movies named Balukarna the Movie worth Rp1.5 billion for production to promote Comprehensive Sexual Education and HIV-AIDS issue through movies that aimed to approach the public masses by obscure stigma barriers. Successfully reached over 1,500 audiences each city with the non-commercial intent. Built non-profit networking with public sectors such as CGV Cinemas, Cinemaxxx & PT Kompas Media Nusantara. • Developed and designed a referral medical mechanism on youth-friendly services for a clinic (Klinik Teratai PKBI) and West Java Department of Health for some particular issues such as child marriage, HIV-AIDS, sexual health, sexual violence, and unwanted pregnancy: increased 5 to 10 young patients by accessing the medical services. • Successfully promoting the Children Protection Policy advocacy strategies into Regional Regulation of Sukabumi District No. 1/2018 concerning Children's Protection Management on social inclusion program with The Asia Foundation on Program Peduli which emphasized children in prison issues. • Built and maintained the youth program website and android mobile application with goal-directed UI for sexual education and mobile counseling services to secure over Rp100 million in aid and sponsorship.
  • Radio Announcer & Producer
    Paramuda Radio · Kontrak Jul 2016 - Feb 2018 · 1 thn 8 bln Bandung, Jawa Barat
      • • Generated radio show on health and well being under Sexopolitan (Paramuda Radio) and Klinik 159 (Ardan Radio) program to gaining sponsorships from inter-agencies institutions. • Compounded a new script and content materials on Clinic 159, Sexopolitan & Zona 3-6 with more engaging the off-air collective participation with successfully save 30 minutes in the program's segment efficiency and increase the amount of 5% of listeners engagement in first-week airing. • Utilized and planned marketing strategies for program promotions with 5 crews remotely in generating social media promotion and off-air events


  • Universitas PasundanUniversitas Pasundan Bachelor's degree, International Relations and AffairsBachelor's degree, International Relations and Affairs 2015 - 20192015 - 2019

Pekerjaan menjadi sukarelawan

  • Community Volunteer
    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Feb 2015 - Sep 2016 · 1 thn 8 bln Hak Asasi Manusia
  • Coordinator Of Volunteers
    International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Mar 2013 - Sekarang· 10 thn 6 bln Kesehatan
  • Volunteer
    Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) Sep 2016 - Feb 2017 · 6 bln Hak Sipil dan Aksi Sosial

Lisensi dan sertifikasi

  • International Agreement Law and Negotiation
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Diterbitkan Jan 2019 Kedaluwarsa Jan 2021
  • Multi-Stage Negotiation
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Diterbitkan Nov 2018
  • Master Trainer
    Dance4Life Diterbitkan Apr 2014


  • Mons Youth & Medical Center
    Jan 2019 - Sekarang
    • Tampilkan proyek
  • Program PEDULI
    Jul 2018 - Mar 2019
    • Tampilkan proyek
  • Balukarna The Movie
    Mar 2017 - Des 2018
    • Tampilkan proyek
      • Commercial movie project based on youth & sexual reproductive health-rights movement


  • Program ManagementProgram Management
    • 1 rekomendasi keahlian1 rekomendasi keahlian
  • Social EntrepreneurshipSocial Entrepreneurship
    • 1 rekomendasi keahlian1 rekomendasi keahlian
  • Community ManagementCommunity Management


  • Dialektika Regulasi Pertambangan Pemerintah Indonesia dan PT Freeport Indonesia melalui Pendekatan Obsolescing Bargaining Model
    Universitas Padjajaran · 31 Des 2020
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      • Implementasi UU No. 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara di Indonesia menjadi awal dari polemik renegosiasi kebijakan dan kepentingan ekonomi politik yang berlawanan di antara Pemerintah Indonesia (Host State) dan PT Freeport Indonesia (Multi National Corporation). Artikel ini akan menganalisis bagaimana proses renegosiasi Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) yang tertera di dalam UU No. 4 Tahun 2009 melalui skenario daya tawar (bargaining power) di antara kedua aktor yang bertikai. Analisis dilakukan melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif yang bersumber pada studi kepustakaan. Penulis akan menitikberatkan analisis melalui spektrum paradigma neomerkantilisme untuk melakukan eksplorasi variabel yang lebih berorientasi pada kepentingan negara (state centric model of bargaining). Melalui pendekatan tersebut, Pemerintah Indonesia dan PT Freeport Indonesia akan diartikulasikan posisi tawarnya melalui Obsolescing Bargaining Model. Hasil analisis mengacu pada posisi dominan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam proses renegosiasi IUPK sehingga hasil artikulasi daya tawar akan lebih berorientasi pada keuntungan Pemerintah Indonesia sebagai Host-State.
    Jurnal Ilmu Politik dan Komunikasi UNIKOM · 18 Jul 2018
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Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan

  • Best Nominated of Scientific Paper Discussion
    Dikeluarkan oleh Pertemuan Nasional Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional se-Indonesia · Nov 2017
  • Best Working Paper on Sexual Reproductive Health
    Dikeluarkan oleh UN Indonesia · Agu 2017


  • English
    Tingkat profesional mahir


  • 2030youthforce (Global Youth Force)
    Volunteer · Agu 2017 - Sekarang
  • Youth Forum Papua
    Jan 2012 - Des 2016
  • Genre Indonesia
    Mar 2013 - Des 2015


  • Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI)Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI) 7.304 pengikut7.304 pengikut
  • The ASEAN SecretariatThe ASEAN Secretariat 70.959 pengikut70.959 pengikut

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