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Profil Singkat Angga Conni Saputra

Angga Conni Saputra

(He/Him) koneksi tingkat ke-3
Analis Kebijakan Publik
Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia


Saya Asisten Provinsi dalam kegiatan transformasi digital di bidang kesehatan untuk wilayah Papua di UNDP, dengan pengalaman 5 tahun dalam Pembangunan Pedesaan. Tertarik pada Kebijakan dalam hal perbaikan Berkelanjutan.



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  • Project Assistant CLT unit
    UNESCO · Purnawaktu Feb 2023 - Saat ini · 6 bln Jakarta, Indonesia · Di lokasi
      • Operations and Management Support • Support the project team to ensure effective project planning, budgeting, and budgeting, and implementation focusing on the achievement. • Provide inputs and finalize contributions for the timely preparation of the statutory documents of the Project such as the 2001 Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage Ratification in the Philippines, the 1972 Convention on Youth in Borobudur and for 2003 ICH Convention. • Ensure the coordination and contribute to the elaboration of strategic documents and external message delivery of senior management, based on the inputs of the Sector’s Entities. • Coordinating the timely preparation and finalization of working documents, as well as ensuring effective quality control and consolidation of contributions from the relevant Entities of the Culture Sector and central services. • Drafting substantive input; reviewing, editing and/or revising texts and documents, in line with the Organization’s policies and procedures; researching, fact-checking and carrying out data analysis as appropriate. • Prepare information materials for the OIC Director, CLT Unit or other units for joint collab projects such as MUCP • Supports knowledge building and knowledge sharing Communication Support • Communicate & coordinate responses to the higher-level managers & external partners. • Follow up on deadlines set in the contract and ensure timely delivery of reports, correspondence, Planning and other documents. Administrative Support • Review Deliverables before prepare contract documents • Prepare administration document and ask SES to the contract owner for payment • Contract management support in providing guidance to contractors on reporting and backstopping of project workflows. • Collate as needed and maintain updated information of documentation, records, and data on projects under responsibility. • Support needs for the execution of project meetings and events.
  • Provincial Assistant
    UNDP · Purnawaktu Mar 2022 - Feb 2023 · 1 thn Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
      • 1. Mendukung tim proyek untuk memastikan perencanaan, penganggaran, dan implementasi proyek yang efektif dengan fokus pada pencapaian hasil-hasil berikut: • Membantu dalam koordinasi pekerjaan perencanaan dan persiapan proyek untuk, biasanya, komponen inisiatif proyek berukuran sedang dan kompleks; memantau status proposal proyek dan penerimaan dokumentasi yang relevan untuk ditinjau dan disetujui. • Mengumpulkan, meringkas dan menyajikan informasi/data dasar tentang proyek tertentu dan topik atau isu terkait. 2. Mendukung pelaporan yang efektif tentang kemajuan pelaksanaan proyek • Mengembangkan siklus pengumpulan dan distribusi vaksin serta memastikan implementasinya dengan dukungan dari penanggung jawab toko vaksin • Melakukan tugas lain yang diberikan oleh Manajer Proyek SMILE; 3. Memberikan dukungan administratif kepada Unit Manajemen Proyek dengan fokus pada pencapaian hasil sebagai berikut: • Berfungsi sebagai titik fokus untuk administrasi, SDM, Pengadaan, Keamanan dan koordinasi kantor kegiatan pelaksanaan proyek, yang melibatkan hubungan luas dengan unit organisasi yang beragam untuk memulai permintaan, mendapatkan izin yang diperlukan, proses dan tindak lanjut tindakan administratif, mis. perekrutan dan penunjukan personel, pengaturan perjalanan, pelatihan/studi wisata, otorisasi pembayaran, pencairan dana, pengadaan peralatan dan layanan, kepatuhan keamanan, dll. 4. Mendukung kemitraan strategis, komunikasi dan dukungan terhadap pelaksanaan mobilisasi sumber daya 5. Mendukung pembangunan pengetahuan dan berbagi pengetahuan yang berfokus pada pencapaian hal-hal berikut: • Partisipasi dalam pelatihan untuk staf operasi/proyek. • Sintesis pembelajaran dan praktik terbaik dalam fungsi manajemen dukungan proyek. • Kontribusi pada jaringan pengetahuan dan komunitas praktik.
      • Keahlian: Public Policy · Public Health · Cross-functional Coordination · Public Speaking · Public Relations · Analytical Skills · Negotiation
  • Pengelola Data dan Informasi, PIC BALILATFO
    Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia · Purnawaktu Jan 2016 - Jan 2020 · 4 thn 1 bln Jl TMP Kalibata no 17
      • 1. Membuat Desain dari suatu proyek maupun sebuah Penulisan buku 2. Koordinasi dengan setiap pemangku kepentingan dalam sebuah proyek yang dikerjakan 3. Implementasi dan juga Monitoring dari sebuah proyek yang dilakukan oleh BALILATFO, seperti memberi pelatihan dan monitoring 15 aplikasi E-Government. Dan juga supervisi dari Implementasi Penulisan Buku yang dilakukan 33 Universitas di seluruh Indonesia. 4. Memberikan dukungan administratif kepada Unit Eselon Atas yang berfokus pada pencapaian administrasi, SDM, Pengadaan, Keamanan, dan koordinasi kantor kegiatan pelaksanaan proyek dan acara, yang melibatkan hubungan luas dengan Semua Pemangku Kepentingan untuk memulai permintaan, mendapatkan izin yang diperlukan, memproses dan mengikuti tindakan administratif, seperti pengaturan perjalanan, pelatihan, pencairan dana, pengadaan peralatan dan layanan. 5. Analisa hasil laporan dari pemangku kepentingan, dan diseminasi Informasi yang nantinya akan saya tulis menjadi sebuah buku laporan yang akan dipublikasikan maupun sebagai konsumsi Internal Kementerian. 6. Konsep dari sebuah acara baik, acara acara FGD, dan juga acara besar lainnya 7. Memberikan Pelatihan bagi Kepala desa dan juga pemangku kepentingan kementerian tentang peraturan baru pemerintah, sosialisasi tentang aturan dan juga langkah demi langkahnya 8. Dan juga assist unit eselon lainnya dalam pekerjaan baik yang tertuang dalam kontrak maupun tidak 9. Juga mengerjakan Analisa Data Roadmap dan Analisa Informasi
      • +9
  • Motivational Speaker
    PT Halloarif Gemilang Tbk Des 2017 - Jan 2018 · 2 bln Indonesia
      • Part Time Job as Counsellor and Motivation Speaker


  • Universitas Prof. Dr. MoestopoUniversitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo Master's degree, Public Policy AdministrationMaster's degree, Public Policy Administration 2016 - 20192016 - 2019
      • +6
  • Universitas Mercu BuanaUniversitas Mercu Buana Bachelor's degree, Public RelationsBachelor's degree, Public Relations 2015 - 20162015 - 2016
      • I used a transcript of grades from Bina Nusantara to study here, but because there were suggestions from several lecturers to continue my master's degree, I stopped studying at Mercubuana
  • STIE YAPAN SurabayaSTIE YAPAN Surabaya Bachelor's degree, Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, GeneralBachelor's degree, Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General 2011 - 20132011 - 2013
      • Being a transfer student and transferring grades, the impact of transfer grades is the decrease in GPA score

Lisensi dan sertifikasi

  • Public Speaking
    DJ Arie School Diterbitkan Nov 2017


  • Custom Scrambler Motorcycle Build
    Jul 2017 - Sekarang
    • Tampilkan proyek
      • I want to make a motorcycle with a Scrambler style, using a frame from Bajaj Pulsar 220 base, because of its stability and comfort compared to other quarter-litre class motors. And I replace a 2 cylinder engine inline with the Benelli Pe 250 engine, but because the PE 250 has a weakness in the low top speed and limited selection of gear ratios, I exchange the gearbox with a Honda Speed 6 speed, with a choice of more gear ratios far from before. And the latest update was I couldn't make the bike shifting gear smoother, because of difference in gear shift shaft, and until now I still working on it.
  • Writing a Rural Area Book, and a Village Owned Business Book
    Jan 2016 - Des 2019
    • Tampilkan proyek
      • Book Writing begins by contacting the Village Facilitator, then inquiring about anyone who is related to the ministries, Institutions (NGOs / NGOs), Dinas, Agencies. After that, I contacted one by one, traced to its roots, made a roadmap with the timeline, then I went well to the region/destination of writing, I documented and collected qualitative information and finally, I wrote in accordance with the ministry format. The Link on a project below when I was collecting Data and Information for the books.
  • Penyusunan Peraturan Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, dan Informasi, Kementerian Desa, PDT, dan Transmigrasi
    Jan 2016 - Nov 2017
    • Tampilkan proyek
      • Menyusun SOP atau cara bagi unit kerja yang ada di Kementerian Desa dalam hal aturan Penyetoran Data dan Informasi Kepada Pusat Data dan Informasi

Pekerjaan menjadi sukarelawan

  • Member of Himmarcomm, (Himpunan Mahasiswa Marketing Communication)
    Bina Nusantara University Jan 2009 - Jan 2011 · 2 thn Pendidikan
    • I'm being here as the second generation of himmarcomm, I have my team, I was on equipment committee and Supply committee
  • Crew Member
    Palang Merah Remaja Okt 2007 - Feb 2009 · 1 thn 5 bln Kesehatan
    • As a member of the Red Cross, I received training on first aid, also participated in a red cross race in helping patients in the mountain ranges, etc. I am also always active as a medical officer in every school activity both indoors and outdoors. I am an expert in basic medical knowledge in helping students, like students who are fainting, muscle aches, itching, fainting, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
  • Member
    Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia Jul 2000 - Jul 2009 · 9 thn 1 bln Lingkungan
    • Scout Organization (PRAMUKA), I have been on scouting organization since I was elementary student to high school student. Because I am a fairly creative person in terms of crafting, I always chosen as a permanent member, both at national and local scout events. My expertise is used to make simple tools to help other students in camping and survival skill events.


  • Public PolicyPublic Policy
    • 2 rekomendasi keahlian2 rekomendasi keahlian
  • Public HealthPublic Health
    • 2 rekomendasi keahlian2 rekomendasi keahlian
  • Cross-functional CoordinationCross-functional Coordination
    • 1 rekomendasi keahlian1 rekomendasi keahlian


  • Dr. Irman Firmansyah, MSiDr. Irman Firmansyah, MSi · Ke-3Koneksi tingkat ketiga Head of System Dynamics Center || Director Powersim Indonesia || Lecturer Postgraduate PSL-IPB University || CEO Exsimpro SoftwareHead of System Dynamics Center || Director Powersim Indonesia || Lecturer Postgraduate PSL-IPB University || CEO Exsimpro Software 17 Juli 2020, Dr. Irman adalah guru dari Angga17 Juli 2020, Dr. Irman adalah guru dari Angga
      • Data Analyst dalam Penilaian dan Penentuan Indeks Desa, terus kembangkan untuk manfaat pembangunan Desa.
  • Ihsanto W.Ihsanto W. · Ke-3Koneksi tingkat ketiga Lecturer In Accounting at Universitas Esa UnggulLecturer In Accounting at Universitas Esa Unggul 17 Juli 2020, Ihsanto pernah bekerja bersama Angga di tim yang sama17 Juli 2020, Ihsanto pernah bekerja bersama Angga di tim yang sama
      • Angga Connie is a hard worker, dedicated, also a humble person, loyal friend. considering his young age in the future will be very successful


  • Kuliah Online Industri Batik, Kementerian Perindustrian
  • Monitoring and Supervision
  • Natural Dyes/ Pewarnaan Alam


  • English
    Tingkat profesional
  • Indonesian
    Tingkat profesional mahir


  • Technology Management Economic Program (TEMEP) and Researcher at Center for International Agricultural Development, Seoul National University
    Participant in Knowledge Sharing on how to Formulate a new Index · Agu 2019 - Jan 2020
      • Sharing Knowledge on Harmonization of "Indeks Desa Membangun" (IDM) dan "Indeks Pembangunan Desa" (IPD) for Rural Development in Indonesia
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Bengkulu, dan Universitas Mataram
    Become a liaison with the University Research Institute with BALILATFO in the production of 60 books relating to Village Development Innovation · Okt 2018 - Des 2019
      • After collaborating on research on the benefits of "Village Funds", BALILATFO is now collaborating on writing 60 Village Development Innovation books. Namely a book that summarizes Innovation What is done in Village Development, this book is written in representatives of 3 regions in accordance with WIB, WITA, and WIT. The writing is divided into 3 parts where Bengkulu University writes books located in Western Indonesia, Then Gadjah Mada University in Central Indonesia, and Mataram University in Eastern Indonesia. Each university wrote 20 books, based on interesting instructions / information contained in each of the information in the village ministry, then with the instructions available the university carried out field data collection and wrote it. I am a supervisor in writing books, but also give advice, input in the village, and also what should and should not be written.
  • Universitas Negeri Palangkaraya, Universitas Mulawarman, Universitas Negeri Jambi, Universitas Negeri Sam Ratulangi
    Become a liaison with the university research Institute with BALILATFO (Agency of Research and Development, Education and Training, and Information) · Okt 2018 - Des 2019
      • Initially, I worked to make contact with research institutions in 33 selected State Universities throughout Indonesia in terms of working together in research on the use of village funds, both the impact, what innovations were made, and how to compare developments since before there were village funds and after village funds there (Village Funds: "Dana Desa" have a contradiction in government)


  • Bill GatesBill Gates Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationCo-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 34.768.793 pengikut34.768.793 pengikut
  • António GuterresAntónio Guterres Secretary-General of the United NationsSecretary-General of the United Nations 60.861 pengikut60.861 pengikut

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