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Profil Singkat Angga Dwi Cahya

Angga Dwi Cahya

(He/Him) koneksi tingkat ke-3
Chairperson of CONVIDENT FKM UNDIP | SDG's Department Staff at Ikatan Alumni PIMNAS | LPDP-BPI Kemdikbudristek Awardee
Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


Angga Dwi Cahya, a very passionate undergraduate public health student interested in environmental health and business, such as Environmental Impact Assessment, Industrial Hygiene, Waste Management, and Business Development. Skilled in public speaking and writing as well as working independently or as a team. I have an excellent performance in academic and non-academic activities. Until in 2020, through a health Innovation Product idea for people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Type II. I managed to become a Silver Medalist Presentation in the Student Creativity Program of Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) at the 33rd National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2020 organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) and Gadjah Mada University. ————— If you'd like to grow your company or just a grab a coffee and have a good talk, you can send an email to angga13dwicahya@gmail.com or message to my linkedin. Thank you so much!



  • Angga Dwi Cahya memposting ini • 5bln5bln
    I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Environmental Health Student Intern at Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia!
  • Angga Dwi Cahya memposting ini • 5bln5bln
    I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as President di Community of Environmental Health Student (CONVIDENT)!
  • Angga Dwi Cahya memposting ini • 1thn1thn
    Experience is the best teacher!Ungkapan yang sering kita dengar bahwa dalam hidup ini dibutuhkan bekal pengalaman agar dapat dijalani dengan baik agar kesalahan yang pernah dilakukan tidak terulang untuk kedua kalinya. Mungkin dulu saya pernah melakukan sebuah kesalahan, menyiakan sebuah kesempatan, waktu, tenaga, pun juga pikiran. Waktu berlalu dan tidak mungkin kembali ke masa itu. Namun, kali ini saya kembali ke tempat di mana saya pikir dapat memperbaiki kesalahan itu.Bersama Novo Club dalam program Social Movement pilar Pendidikan dengan tema "Good Leader Good Teacher" yang diusung oleh PT ParagonCorp selama hampir 6 bulan, saya dapat membagikan pengalaman yang saya miliki untuk membantu dan menjaga asa semangat adik-adik SMP Negeri 1 Cikarang Utara dalam meraih serta merencanakan impiannya sejak dini.- Tagar #NovoClubBatch1 Tagar #ParagonCorp Tagar #SocMov Tagar #Experience Tagar #Education Tagar #GoodLeaderGoodTeacher …lihat lebih banyak
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  • Chairperson
    CONVIDENT FKM UNDIP · Kontrak Des 2022 - Saat ini · 7 bln Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia · Di lokasi
      • ● Led a forum that consist of 80 peoples environmental health students
      • Keahlian: Leadership · Time Management · Critical Thinking · Interpersonal Communication · Agility
  • SDG's Department Staff
    Ikatan Alumni PIMNAS Indonesia · Kontrak Jan 2022 - Saat ini · 1 thn 6 bln Area DKI Jakarta
      • ● Led a group that consist of 2 peoples for planned the PIMNAS alumni congress inaugural webinar event ● Published a scholarship program listing on Instagram @official.alumnipimnas, coordinated with 3 managers, assisted 10+ staffs in SDG’s department, and collaborated with 2 media partners ● Organized 2 webinar conferences with a total of 842 registrants and 5 professional speakers with national exposure, and grew the instagram account to over 500+ followers in three days
  • Founder
    Mais de'Kolf · Kontrak Okt 2016 - Saat ini · 6 thn 9 bln Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
      • ● Designed and implemented the corncobs that are turned into low-calorie snacks for patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Type II ● Identified the nutritional content of the corncobs by conducting organoleptic tests in the laboratory ● Founded corncob flour substitution formula that is safe for human consumption ● Controlled supply of raw materials and quality of corn cobs from corn farmers ● Awarded Silver Medal in the 33rd National Student Scientific Week (out of 19,202 proposal teams)
      • Keahlian: Business Development
  • Environmental Health Student Intern
    Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia · Magang Jan 2023 - Mar 2023 · 3 bln Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia · Di lokasi
  • Mentor Student Creativity Program of Entrepreneurship (PKM-K)
    Universitas Telkom · Kontrak Jan 2022 - Mar 2022 · 3 bln Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
      • ● Coached 8 teams to make scientific proposals based on administration and substance ● Teached 3 main materials are product ideas, Business Model Canvas (BMC), and marketing strategy ● Evaluated the team works 3 times with 8 lecturers for 2 months period of making proposal ● Achieved grade A (450/500 points) for two mentored teams eligible to compete at the national level
      • Certificate of Mentor PKM-KCertificate of Mentor PKM-K


  • Diponegoro UniversityDiponegoro University Bachelor of Public Health, Environmental Health (Ongoing)Bachelor of Public Health, Environmental Health (Ongoing) Sep 2020 - Apr 2024Sep 2020 - Apr 2024
  • Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Bachelor of Engineering, Engineering Physics (Not Finished)Bachelor of Engineering, Engineering Physics (Not Finished) Agu 2018 - Jan 2021Agu 2018 - Jan 2021
      • ● Won 3x Championships in the National Business Plan Competition (PIMNAS, UIES, and EBICO) ● Passed the semester 5 (Double Degree) before move to the Faculty of Public Health UNDIP ● I found another passion in myself ● Not 'Dropped Out'
  • SMA Negeri 1 Tambun SelatanSMA Negeri 1 Tambun Selatan Mathematic and Natural Sciences, (Graduated)Mathematic and Natural Sciences, (Graduated) Jun 2015 - Mei 2018Jun 2015 - Mei 2018
      • ● The Most Outstanding Student 2018 ● Head of Scientific Writing Division TFC 2017 ● West Java Provincial Level Children Forum 2016 ● Being a part in 10+ National Competitions for Scientific Paper Writing and Business Plan


  • Mais de’ Kolf: Low-Calorie Snack Made From Corn Cobs Flour for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Patients
    Okt 2016 - Sekarang
    • Tampilkan proyek
      • As a Founder: ● Designed and implemented the corncobs that are turned into low-calorie snacks for patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Type II ● Identified the nutritional content of the corncobs by conducting organoleptic tests in the laboratory ● Founded corncob flour substitution formula that is safe for human consumption ● Controlled supply of raw materials and quality of corn cobs from corn farmers ● Awarded Silver Medal in the 33rd National Student Scientific Week (out of 19,202 proposal teams)
      • Kontributor lainnya
  • National Webinar: Untold Story LPDP Interview, The Do's and Don'ts
    Mei 2022 - Jun 2022
      • As a Marketing and Public Relation Associate: ● Promoted webinar events using 4 social media (Instagram, Line, WhatsApp, and Telegram Group) 2 times per day ● Created event publication on Instagram post that reached out 2,207 accounts, resulting in 378 engaged accounts, 99 saved, and 103 shares ● Facilitated 2 national speakers LPDP Scholarship awardee for some information from committee ● Successfully got 402 registrants within 3 days and exceeded the target registrants by 201%
  • Social Movement "Good Leader Good Teacher" by PT Paragon Innovation and Technology
    Mar 2022 - Jun 2022
    • Tampilkan proyek
      • As a ParaNovo Bekasi Region: ● Planned a social project with the theme “Good Leader Good Teacher” to SMP Negeri 1 Cikarang Utara ● Teached and sociolized 2 materials on “How to Get some Achievements from Scientific Paper” and “Narrative Review Text” to 81 students of SMP Negeri 1 Cikarang Utara ● Successfully got 100/100 scores when learning 4 Novo Club main programs

Pekerjaan menjadi sukarelawan

  • ParaNovo Bekasi Region
    Paragon Technology And Innovation Feb 2022 - Jul 2022 · 6 bln Pendidikan
  • Squadron Batch II Program
    PT. Indosat Tbk Mar 2021 - Jun 2021 · 4 bln Sains dan Teknologi
    • ● Selected to enter the 50 mentee Squadron Batch II from 513 registrants ● Joined in team 12 by making a start-up design in the field of education called Wiyata Loka ● Acting as CHRO, to searched human resources in accordance with the criteria that are needed to take care of data collection, legality, and administrative procedures for members who enter, leave, absent and leave ● Awarded the second most favorite start-up out of 12 existing start-up
  • Writer Division Staff at the Penalaran Ilmiah Research Club (PIRC) of FKM UNDIP
    Diponegoro University Des 2020 - Mei 2021 · 6 bln Sains dan Teknologi
    • PIRC is one of the academic institutions located in FKM Undip based on administrators’ and students’ professional potential by optimizing the campus’s academic facilities. During my 5 months at PIRC, I had several roles, including as: ● The Public Relations (PR) Staff of Research Group Discussion (RGD) ● The Design Staff of Scientific Writing and Essay Intensive Class ● The Business Plan Staff of Young Entrepreneur Program Preparation (PPMW)


  • LeadershipLeadership
    • 3 rekomendasi keahlian3 rekomendasi keahlian
  • Research ProjectResearch Project
    • 6 rekomendasi keahlian6 rekomendasi keahlian
  • Presentation SkillsPresentation Skills
    • 5 rekomendasi keahlian5 rekomendasi keahlian


  • Occupational Health and Safety Training on Oil and Gas Sector: Hazards and Operability Study (HAZOP) 2021

Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan

  • Top 25 Semifinalits LPDP Week Entrepreneur Competition 2022
    Dikeluarkan oleh Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan · Nov 2021
  • Speaker and Reviewer Student Creativity Program of Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) for PKP2 2021
    Dikeluarkan oleh Agriculture Student Association, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional - Veteran Yogyakarta · Sep 2021
  • Awardee of the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) 2021
    Dikeluarkan oleh Kemdikbudristek and LPDP · Agu 2021
      • The Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) is a scholarship program administered by the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Education Financing Service Center (Puslapdik) and funded by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP). It was followed by 3000+ registrants who were eventually chosen as the 200 best students with various national and international achievements. I went through a series of selections, beginning with the administrative stage and ending with the interview stage. Personal statements and achievements are important assessments in this scholarship. Through a series of national webinar festivals, I and the BPI 2021 recipients are currently developing a talent achievement community.


  • Bahasa Indonesia
    Tingkat fasih atau bahasa asli
  • Bahasa Inggris
    Tingkat profesional mahir
  • Bahasa Jerman
    Tingkat dasar


  • Community of Environmental Health Student (CONVIDENT) FKM UNDIP
    President · Des 2022 - Sekarang
  • Ikatan Alumni PIMNAS Indonesia
    SGD's Departement Staff · Jan 2022 - Sekarang
  • Asosiasi Prakarsa Indonesia Cerdas (APIC) Student Forum
    Competition Associate · Mei 2021 - Feb 2022


  • ShopeeShopee 1.846.129 pengikut1.846.129 pengikut
  • INSEADINSEAD 550.852 pengikut550.852 pengikut

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