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Profil Singkat Dedy (Yana) Purwana

Dedy (Yana) Purwana

(He/Him) koneksi tingkat ke-2
Accounting and administration
Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Angga Purwana adalah koneksi bersamaAngga Purwana adalah koneksi bersama


A Fresh Graduate Graduated from the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta majoring in Accounting Economics with a GPA of 3.37. Active in Organization and Event Organizer during Lectures. Has Internship experience in the field of Assets of the Surakarta City Financial and Regional Asset Management Revenue Agency, has work experience as Administrative and File Staff at PT IKA ADYA PERKASA Construction Supervision Consultant. I am very interested in the field of Accounting.


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  • Accountant
    DMWORK MOTORCYCLE · Purnawaktu Nov 2022 - Saat ini · 5 bln Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia · Di lokasi
  • Chief Operations Officer
    KOPI WONG NUSANTARA · Kontrak Feb 2022 - Mei 2022 · 4 bln Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia
      • ● Membuat Laporan Bulanan Operasional Outlet ● Membuat Laporan Harian dan Bulanan Omset Penjualan Outlet ● Membuat SOP Karyawan mengenai Grooming,maintenance alat dan Finance ● Mengontrol dan mengatur stok persediaan bahan baku ● Membuat Sistematis Gudang dan Penataan Gudang ● Mengontrol seluruh kegiatan operasional outlet
  • Administration Assistant
    PT IKA ADYA PERKASA · Pekerja Lepas Jan 2022 · 1 bln Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
      • ● Monthly Reports according to the project being carried out ● Prepare Annual Project Reports in accordance with specified SOP ● Prepares Repair Reports and Project Maintenance ● Making Preliminary Reports ● Making Reports Between ● Making Completion Reports and Final Reports ● Recapitulating Project data and Progress ● Reporting to Team Leaders and Directors related to reports made by
  • Team Leader
    ARKARA Event Organizer · Pekerja Lepas Apr 2021 - Jul 2021 · 4 bln Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
      • ● Develop Sales Strategy in order to achieve the predetermined Target ● Organize and coordinate with SPG related to sales system ● Conduct Daily and Weekly Sales Recap ● Make Monthly Sales Report ● Conduct Coordination with the Market department regarding licensing of Marketing Events ● Conducting SPG Performance Evaluation every month ● Checking product stock every day


  • Logo Konsul Bisnis
    Konsul BisnisKonsul Bisnis Bachelor's degree, AccountingBachelor's degree, Accounting Agu 2017 - Des 2021Agu 2017 - Des 2021
      • A Fresh Graduate Graduated from the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta majoring in Accounting Economics with a GPA of 3.37. Active in Organization and Event Organizer during Lectures. Has Internship experience in the field of Assets of the Surakarta City Financial and Regional Asset Management Revenue Agency, has work experience as Administrative and File Staff at PT IKA ADYA PERKASA Construction Supervision Consultant. I am very interested in the field of Accounting.
  • Logo Konsul Bisnis
    Konsul BisnisKonsul Bisnis Gelar Sarjana, AkuntansiGelar Sarjana, Akuntansi Agu 2017 - Des 2021Agu 2017 - Des 2021

Lisensi dan sertifikasi

    PDivisi Pengembangan Kerjasama Ekonomi Akuntansi FEB UNS Diterbitkan Apr 2022


  • AkuntansiAkuntansi
  • Public SpeakingPublic Speaking
  • HR ManagementHR Management


  • Bahasa Arab
    Tingkat menengah
  • Bahasa Inggris
    Tingkat dasar


  • WAMSINOMI (Wahana Musik Mahasiswa Ekonomi) FEB UMS
    Head of Education and Training (Education and Training) · Okt 2019 - Feb 2020
      • - Determines the theme of the activity to match the essence of the education and training and in accordance with the regulations of the Articles of Association, Bylaws, and the existing Outline of the Organization's Policy. - Making policies related to education and training activities in accordance with the theme and vision and mission of the general chairman - making plans for the Committee Category into 7 divisions so that the jobdesk is in accordance with the expertise and personality of the members. - Make a plan for recruiting committee members totaling 65 people to fit the specified category. - Group and divide Jobdesk 65 members according to their respective expertise and fields. - Selecting the Head of Division from each division, which consists of 7 divisions as the person in charge of each member. - Fully responsible for every activity During the process of a series of training for 2 months concerning the organization's internal parties and external parties of the organization. - Determine the category of acceptance or recruitment of participants to match the position needed in the organization. - Create and determine a series of recruitment policies ranging from policy systematics to field technical systematics. - Supervise all members in carrying out the jobdesk so that it is in accordance with the planned strategy. - Create a special team to screen and select participants who registered in the training activities from 280 people to 65 people according to predetermined criteria. - Make an accountability report on training activities starting from the process of recruiting committee members until the training participants are inaugurated to become official members of the structural organization
  • WAMSINOMI (Wahana Musik Mahasiswa Ekonomi) FEB UMS
    Head of Inventory Division · Okt 2018 - Okt 2019
      • - Prepare Work Programs for one period (1 year) - Carry out the process selection or recruitment of Inventory members - Make Inventory Policy to match the Vision and Mission of the General Chair - Coordinate 10 members so that the work program can run smoothly - Supervise every activity or work program to match expected expectations - Perform Inventory data recapitulation and correspondence - Making half-period and annual accountability reports - Reporting at the Daily Management Meeting once a month in front of the general chairman and all other division heads. - Conducting a Monthly Evaluation of the performance and progress of the work program that has been carried out by
  • WAMSINOMI (Wahana Musik Mahasiswa Ekonomi) FEB UMS
    Secretary of the Inventory Division · Okt 2017 - Okt 2018
      • - Assisting the Division Head in preparing the Work Program for one period - Assisting the Division Head in the process of selecting or recruiting Inventory members - Assisting Division Heads in making policies - Assisting Division Heads in coordinating Members - Supervising every activity or work program to meet expected expectations - Recapitulating Inventory data and correspondence - Making Half-Term and Annual Accountability Reports - Assisting Division Heads in submitting Report at the Daily Board Meeting


  • PT Indofood Sukses Makmur TbkPT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk 581.790 pengikut581.790 pengikut
  • ShopeeShopee 1.771.256 pengikut1.771.256 pengikut

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