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Profil Singkat Angga Reynady Hermawan Putra

Angga Reynady Hermawan Putra

koneksi tingkat ke-3
Empowerment and Legal Aid Officer at SUAKA
Jakarta Raya, Indonesia



907 pengikut

  • Angga Reynady Hermawan Putra mengomentari sebuah posting • 1mgg1mgg
    Congrats, Mas Gabriel!
  • Angga Reynady Hermawan Putra mengomentari sebuah posting • 1bln1bln
    Congrats Kak Cheryl!
  • Angga Reynady Hermawan Putra mengomentari sebuah posting • 2bln2bln
    Congrats Lulung! Will definitely read this.


  • SUAKASUAKA 1 thn 6 bln1 thn 6 bln
    • Program Officer for the 4Mi ProjectProgram Officer for the 4Mi Project KontrakKontrak Nov 2022 - Saat ini · 2 blnNov 2022 - Saat ini · 2 bln Jakarta, IndonesiaJakarta, Indonesia
    • Empowerment and Legal Aid OfficerEmpowerment and Legal Aid Officer PurnawaktuPurnawaktu Jan 2022 - Saat ini · 1 thnJan 2022 - Saat ini · 1 thn Jakarta, IndonesiaJakarta, Indonesia
        • - Assist refugees through legal aid services both on consultation and direct legal assistance in litigation and non-litigation occasions related to immigration, Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process, criminal/private law, and human rights violation matters; - Coordinated numerous programs related to the efforts of increasing legal empowerment of refugees regarding Indonesian law (RISE! Discussion Series, FAQ document, Monthly Legal Brief, and Community Based Paralegal Training program, etc).
        • Keahlian: Indonesian Immigration Law · Non-Litigation · Human Rights Law · International Refugee Law
    • Legal Aid InternLegal Aid Intern MagangMagang Nov 2021 - Jan 2022 · 3 blnNov 2021 - Jan 2022 · 3 bln Jakarta, IndonesiaJakarta, Indonesia
        • As one of the works of advocating and protecting refugees and asylum seekers' rights, SUAKA has conducted many legal assistances to any refugees on any legal matters. As an intern, I contribute on various legal assistance works including: - Help managing many advocacy works - Conducting legal opinion regarding any legal matters happened to the refugees in Indonesia - Leading the intake interview to gain information regarding any disputes involving refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia - Analysing Court's jurisprudences and other related legal basis - Assisting the Legal Aid Coordinator on preparing materials related to the legal aid socialization activities and trainings - Help giving legal advice and legal assistance to refugees and asylum seekers (on immigration, public, and private issues) - Drafting Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) document for refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia - Drafting documents (press releases and other official documents)
  • Research Assistant to Dr. Natalia Yeti Puspita, S.H., M.Hum
    Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia Mei 2021 - Nov 2021 · 7 bln Jakarta, Indonesia
      • Along with Mr. Fachrudin Sembiring, S.H., M.H., we assisted Dr. Natalia Yeti Puspita, S.H., M.Hum on a research project titled "Mitigasi Banjir Pada Saat Pandemi COVID-19: Sudah Siapkah Pemerintah DKI Jakarta?".
  • Legal Intern
    Suryansyah & Partners Jul 2020 - Sep 2020 · 3 bln
      • As an intern, I've conducted various works: - Assisted lawyers in litigation process (in intellectual property rights and bankruptcy cases) - Drafted various documents (contracts, power of attorney, lawsuit, etc) - Conducted research in various topics - Translated documents - Reviewed Contracts


  • Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma JayaUniversitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Bachelor's degree, International Law and Legal StudiesBachelor's degree, International Law and Legal Studies 2017 - 20212017 - 2021
      • Undergraduate Thesis: Qatar's Responsibility Regarding the Forced Labour of Migrant Workers in Preparation for the FIFA World Cup 2022 According to International Law
  • SMA Bunda Hati Kudus CibuburSMA Bunda Hati Kudus Cibubur Social SciencesSocial Sciences 2014 - 20172014 - 2017
      • Committee Experiences: -Staff of equipment division - BHK Diversion 2015 -Head of equipment division - BHK Ergometra 2016

Lisensi dan sertifikasi

  • Advocate Special Course
    Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI) Diterbitkan Okt 2022 Tidak Ada Tanggal Kedaluwarsa ID Kredensial 07-07180/PERADI-PKPA/X/22
  • Psychological First Aid in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings (Offered through Kaya Connect)Psychological First Aid in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings (Offered through Kaya Connect) International Rescue CommitteeInternational Rescue Committee Diterbitkan Apr 2022 Tidak Ada Tanggal KedaluwarsaDiterbitkan Apr 2022 Tidak Ada Tanggal Kedaluwarsa
    • Tampilkan kredensial
  • Suicide Prevention in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings (Offered through Kaya Connect)Suicide Prevention in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings (Offered through Kaya Connect) International Rescue CommitteeInternational Rescue Committee Diterbitkan Apr 2022 Tidak Ada Tanggal KedaluwarsaDiterbitkan Apr 2022 Tidak Ada Tanggal Kedaluwarsa
    • Tampilkan kredensial

Pekerjaan menjadi sukarelawan

  • Facilitator for The Upgrading Training for Refugee Community Based Paralegal 2021 - IV
    SUAKA Sep 2021 · 1 bln Hak Asasi Manusia
    • Theme of the discussion: Upgrading the Indonesian Immigration Law and its Impacts on Refugees Movement.
  • Moderator for The Public Discussion "Lima Tahun Implementasi Perpres No. 125/2016"
    SUAKA Jan 2022 · 1 bln


  • Indonesian Immigration LawIndonesian Immigration Law
  • Non-LitigationNon-Litigation
  • ResearchResearch
    • 2 rekomendasi keahlian2 rekomendasi keahlian


  • Refugee Rights Situation in Indonesia (Submission to the 4th Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review)
    Indonesian Civil Society Coalition on Refugee Rights Protection · 2 Apr 2022
    • Tampilkan publikasi
      • Contributed on the writing process of the "Rights to Education" Section.
  • Mitigasi Banjir Pada Saat Pandemi COVID-19: Sudah Siapkah Pemerintah DKI Jakarta?
    Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Undiksha Vol. 10 No. 1 · 2 Feb 2022
    • Tampilkan publikasi
  • Perwujudan Hak Atas Kesehatan dan Prinsip Non-Diskriminasi Melalui Vaksinasi Kelompok Pengungsi dan Pencari Suaka Sebagai Kewajiban Negara Menurut Hukum Internasional
    Jurnal Gloria Justitia Volume 1 No 1 · 1 Mei 2021

Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan

  • Ranked 10th Overall (Asia Pacific Level) & Ranked Overall 230 (Global Round)
    Dikeluarkan oleh Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition · Mar 2021
      • Competed as delegates.
  • Ranked 10th Overall in Indonesian National Round of the Competition
    Dikeluarkan oleh Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition · Feb 2020
      • Competed as delegates and oralist
  • Top 10 in Asian Region and through to the international round in Geneva, Switzerland.
    Dikeluarkan oleh Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition · Jul 2019
      • Competed as delegates and main researcher


  • Atma Jaya Moot Court Guild
    Secretary General · Jan 2019 - Jan 2020
  • Atma Jaya Moot Court Guild
    Staff of International Division · Jan 2018 - Jan 2019


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  • Lando NorrisLando Norris McLaren Formula 1 DriverMcLaren Formula 1 Driver 106.530 pengikut106.530 pengikut

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